Bash disaster prevention

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Like any other versatile tool, consequences of misusing of UNIX scripting can be disasterous. It often helps to save the day

A horror story

You listen to music and have built up a quite extensive library of digital music in your computer under the directory /home/alex/music. Everyday, you copy a folder from under music folder (e.g. beatles/yellowsubmarine) to your MP3 player, which appears as a usb drive (say /mnt/usbstick). You write a small script called loadmusic.bash and save it in /home/alex/,

cd /mnt/usbstick/todaysmusic # Go to the appropriate folder
rm -rf #Delete all the old files 
cp -r /home/alex/music/$1 . 
echo 'Done!'

and call it as

$ loadmusic.bash yellowsubmarine

On one day, you simply forget to insert the usb key, before running the command:

loadmusic.bash : line 2: cd: /mnt/usbstick/todaysmusic: No such file or directory

What happens here. Bash tries to change directory to /mnt/usbstick/todaysmusic , but can't. Does it stop there? Not unless we ask it to. It simply forgets what happened and executes the next command, namely rm -rf and innocently deletes ALL your digital music albums! (And we don't waste time on useless stuff like backups!!)

Error handling

Red warning.gif

Never, ever use dangerous commands like rm -rf (or rm by itself for that matter) or mv in a script that doesn't have a proper error handler.

Whenever there is the potential for pitfalls like the above, use some form of general error handler to at least tell the script to exit without trying the rest of the commands.

  1. !/bin/bash
    1. End of error handling

function handle {

  echo "Error"
  exit 1

} trap handle ERR

    1. End of error handling

cd /mnt/usbstick/todaysmusic # Go to the appropriate folder rm -rf #Delete all the old files cp -r /home/alex/music/$1 . echo 'Done!'

which will execute the function


as soon as it encounters and error. And inside


, we have


, so there's no danger of bash trying to be smart.

More useful error handling

Bulb additional.png

trap type of error handling is useful for preventing disasters. For more graceful error handling, the return value of each individual command can be checked.