Plotting WRF Model output with GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
From assela Pathirana
In the real-time weather forecast page for Sri Lanka, I plot WRF model output using GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) rather than standard plotters provided by the model developers. Following is the method to do it.
- Need the following programs installed
- Compile the FORTRAN program ./pltprogs/read_wrf_nc.f to produce the executable read_wrf_nc
- Edit the file ./pltprogs/CONSTANTS.bash to reflect the paths in your computer. (Only GMT, convert and gifs entries need changing). Further change wrfntimes to indicate how many snapshots of output from the start of the model, needs processing. This should be less or equal to total number of output snapshots. ( This is (Forecast length)/(output time step))
- Go to the directory where wrfplot.bash. Copy or link the wrf output file to this place.
- Execute the following command