Mirroring LAMP Website

From assela Pathirana
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Cheap web hosting companies do not provide

  1. SSL support (https),
  2. Digest authentication (a poor-man's alternative to true SSL to introduce a modicum of security.)
  3. Admin access to MySQL database servers.

Running a web-based content creation system like a wiki off such a platform exposes your passwords being transmitted in clear-text each time you login to the site to change something.

The solution I wanted to to implement is to run the `editable' version of the web site in a different server (my home server, that is not 24h up and running) then to `mirror' the changes to a `read-only' server on my hosting site. After several false-stats, I was successfully in doing this. Following is the story.

There a a number of steps to this process: (Before anything else make a backup of the database, all the static files of the web site and keep them safely.)

  1. Use myseldump to backup the database from the host (Where the web site is served from) and restore it in the development machine (DM). The idea here is to have the identical databases in host and DM. It is OK to have other databases on either of the machines.
  2. Copy all the required files (e.g. php, skins, images, etc.) from host to DM.
  3. Get the web site working on DM (say https://mydm.net/develop/mysite)
  4. Now we have to set the databases and files on the host to be automatically updated by the versions on DM periodically. If you have admin access on DM, you can set database replication, But, we don't, so I use a round-about way of getting this done. File synching can be done using rsync.
  5. Have a crontab on DM to do the above step periodically. (say once a day)
  6. I had to add a url rewriting rule in the host machine to get the site fully functional.
  7. A few more niceties to tidy things up.

Replication without Admin Rights

MySQLs `proper' database replication is a powerful too. But, it has some restrictions making it unsuitable for our purpose. Instead I used a neat utility called mk-table-sync -- a part of the Maatkit family of tools. "Maatkit is a toolkit for users, developers, and administrators of open-source databases. It is high-quality, formally tested software that is well documented and has an active open-source developer community.[1]". While it is possible to install Maatkit as a package in popular linux systems, that is not strictly necessary. Each tool in the toolkit is an independant toolkit. So just downloading the tool we need by

wget http://www.maatkit.org/get/mk-table-sync

At the time of writing (01:32, 10 April 2011 (JST)), there is was a bug in mk-table-sync tool that leads to errors when admin rights in the target database is not available. But it was easy to patch it as follows (just by commenting out two `offending' blocks:

<    my ( $self, $dbh ) = @_;
<    if ( !$self->{not_a_slave}->{$dbh} ) {
<       my $sth = $self->{sths}->{$dbh}->{SLAVE_STATUS}
<             ||= $dbh->prepare('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
<       MKDEBUG && _d($dbh, 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
<       $sth->execute();
<       my ($ss) = @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref({})};
<       if ( $ss && %$ss ) {
<          $ss = { map { lc($_) => $ss->{$_} } keys %$ss }; # lowercase the keys
<          return $ss;
<       }
<       MKDEBUG && _d('This server returns nothing for SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
<       $self->{not_a_slave}->{$dbh}++;
<    }
> #   my ( $self, $dbh ) = @_;
>    #if ( !$self->{not_a_slave}->{$dbh} ) {
>      # my $sth = $self->{sths}->{$dbh}->{SLAVE_STATUS}
>      #       ||= $dbh->prepare('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
>      # MKDEBUG && _d($dbh, 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
> 	 # assela commented. 
>    #   $sth->execute();
>    #   my ($ss) = @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref({})};
> #
> #      if ( $ss && %$ss ) {
> #         $ss = { map { lc($_) => $ss->{$_} } keys %$ss }; # lowercase the keys
> #         return $ss;
> #      }
> #
> #      MKDEBUG && _d('This server returns nothing for SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
> #      $self->{not_a_slave}->{$dbh}++;
> #   }
<    # Ensure statement-based replication.
<    # http://code.google.com/p/maatkit/issues/detail?id=95
<    $sql = '/*!50105 SET @@binlog_format="STATEMENT"*/';
<    MKDEBUG && _d($dbh, $sql);
<    $dbh->do($sql);
>   # # Ensure statement-based replication.
>   # # http://code.google.com/p/maatkit/issues/detail?id=95
>   # $sql = '/*!50105 SET @@binlog_format="STATEMENT"*/';
>   # MKDEBUG && _d($dbh, $sql);
>   # $dbh->do($sql);
>   # assela commented above lines.

Then a command like:

./mk-table-sync --print --lock=1  --execute --ignore-tables=site_stats \
h=localhost,S=<some_path>/mysql.sock,u=pathiran_root,p=$passwd \
--databases <database_name> h=<host>,P=${port}