From assela Pathirana
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A simple .vimrc file
Usually the following content in ~/.vimrc file is enough to tame vim to match my editing requirements.
set nocompatible "We are running vim not old we no need to be constrained! set bs=2 "backspace works. set smartindent "indents programs set tabstop=4 "tab stops 4 chars set shiftwidth=4 "autoindent width "Shortcut to auto indent entire file nmap <F11> 1G=G imap <F11> <ESC>1G=Ga set incsearch set ignorecase set smartcase "Informative status line set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [TYPE=%Y\ %{&ff}]\ [%l/%L\ (%p%%)] "Have 3 lines of offset (or buffer) when scrolling set scrolloff=3