Vietnam: Impact of climate change on water resources and adaptation measures

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IMHEN Report on Climte Change in Vietnam

(C) Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IMHEN), Vietnam.

IMHEN conducted the project "Impact of climate change on water resources and adaptation measures" sponsored by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark with the participation of consulting experts from the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) and the participation of many Vietnamese agencies. In 2010 at the conclusion of the project, IMHEN produced a report under the same title, which is made available on their web site:

We make extensive references to this report in our paper entitled "Urbanization and climate change impacts on future urban flood risk in Can Tho city, Vietnam" (H. T. L. Huong and A. Pathirana, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 8, 10781-10824, 2011). We often found that accessing this material from the IMHEN web site is difficult due to problems with internet connection speed. Due to this reason, with the permission of IMHEN we make a copy of this report available here.

Download Link: Impact of climate change on water resources and adaptation measures.pdf