Webapps with python

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Webapps with python

Interactive map, analysis and plotting tool for precipitation

Python has a number of libraries that makes creating graphics based on data. Some of these tools can create interactive graphics and also web applications so that one can allow non-programmers to explore, analyse and visualize data. Ploty Dash is such a library with a particularly easy learning curve.

Here are some prototype applications that were created using this library. I use docker containers based on dokku -- a PaaS (Platform as a Service) --to host these apps.

Life-cycle Costing Tool

Life-cycle cost calculator. LINK

[oro.wa.pathirana.net Orographic lift of wind fields - atmospheric quantities calculator]

Atmospheric quantities with orographic uplift [oro.wa.pathirana.net/ LINK]

Life-cycle Costing Tool

Life-cycle cost calculator. LINK