Install GMT
GMT installation is explained in detail in the GMT Homepge. I recommend the following to windows users.
While it is perfectly possible to run Cygwin using the dos shell, it is much less painfull to first install Cygwin -- a free, open-source, UNIX-like shell environment for Windows and then use that environment to get going as if you are on a UNIX computer.
Assuming that you either are on a UNIX computer or have Cygwin installed on Windows with all the basic stuff like compilers (gcc, g77), utilities (awk, sed), etc., do the following to install GMT.
- Check whether you can acces ftp sites. If you are behind a firwall, there may be problems. Then the following method will NOT work.
- Access the install form on GMT homepage. (Last time I checked, it was here.
- There is a link on the form to download the script called install_gmt. Download and save it now.
- Fill in the form. Keep the following in mind.
- NetCDF Setup
- Select "Please get and install netCDF ..." option
- Give /usr/local/netCDF/ as the path
- High and Full resolutions coastline data
- Click to get them unless your network is very very slow (Default is not to get).
- Select the C compiler you want to use
- gcc
- Select default GMTHOME directory
- /usr/local/GMT
- Select supplemental packages to install
- Unclick this unless you have Matlab: *MEX: Matlab interface for reading/writing GMT grdfiles
- Submit the form and save the result as gmt_install.txt
- Go to the place where you have install_gmt script and the above file. Do the following
sh install_gmt gmt_install
- If everything is successful, the script will suggest some environment settings just before exiting. I use bash shell (as opposed to csh shell). It is also the default shell in Cygwin or Linux. In case of bash , set them in eigher .bashrc file in your home directory (affects only you) or at /etc/bashrc file (better). My settings are like this:
#GMT settings export NETCDFHOME=/usr/local/NetCDF export GMTHOME=/usr/local/GMT/GMT4.1.1 export PATH=/usr/local/GMT/GMT4.1.1/bin:$PATH export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/local/GMT/GMT4.1.1/man to MANPATH #GMT settings end
- For csh settings are different.
Remember to exit the shell and open a new one (for the settings above to take effect). Then the command
printenv |grep GMT
should output lines containing
(dots ... were added by me!)
Then run an extremely simple GMT operation as follows:
minmax << EOF > 5 10 15 > -1 -25 35 > 100 0 1 > EOF
This should produce the following output.
<stdin>: N = 3 <-1/100> <-25/10> <1/35>
Then you may like to attempt some simple plotting script.