Plotting a Cross-section from WRF Model output with NCAR Command Language (ncl)

From assela Pathirana
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Following is an explanation on how to plot a vertical cross-section of a WRF model domain with NCAR Command Language (ncl)[1].

Before running this script it is important to have a file named .hluresfile in your home directory. The file should contain something like:
*wkColorMap : WhViBlGrYeOrReWh
*wkBackgroundColor : white
*wkForegroundColor : black
*FuncCode : ~
*TextFuncCode : ~
*Font : helvetica
*wkWidth : 900
*wkHeight : 900

For more information see: ncl web site.


Need the following programs installed
  1. NCAR Graphics with ncl [2]. Set the $NCARG_ROOT environment variable to the correct installation location. (e.g.~/usr/local/ncarg). This installation will also provide the command psplit that can be used to split a multi-page postscript document to individual pages.
  2. Ghostscript tools (normally available in many standard UNIX installations. This provide eps2eps command.
  3. ImageMagick graphics utilities [3]
  4. gifsicle program for making GIF animations. [4]




  1. Edit the file ./pltprogs/CONSTANTS.bash to reflect the paths in your computer.
  2. Go to the directory where wrfplot.bash. Copy or link the wrf output file to this place.
  3. Execute the following command

Upon successful execution the png format images and datasets used to plot them will be available in the folder ./output.